A local-global hub for Evolving Integral Consciousness of Individuals, Communities, Organisations, and Societies through mapping their Trans4mation Journeys and Soulidarity Impulse

    Integral Soulidarity Research Academy (iSRA) was conceived as an archetypal re-imagining of Prophet Muhammad’s (may peace be upon him) spiritual Journey of Ascension, an ultimate experience that expanded the human consciousness to an ultimate Integrality known as Al-Isra Wal Mairaj. 
    Through it's 4E's postulation, iSRA aims to act as an integrative R&D platform and a bridge-builder between institutions and organisations acknowledging the ‘spirit’ and Hikmah in Soulidarity (Mawakhat) – 
    a tradition based on benevolence (Khair), compassion (Ihsan), and brotherhood (Ikhuwah).

     Towards an integral Soulidarity Research Academy (iSRA)


    The Ihsan Dimension

    Trans-mutation - Virtuosity
    The Ihsan impulse  mutates between humans for their 
    mutual subsistence.


    The Ishq Dimension

    Trans-migratio n – Divine Love
    Ishq emerges when one is free of worldly attachments which awaken a state of higher consciousness in an upward ascension.


    The Ilm Dimension

    Transcendental – Knowledge
    This is the realm of transcendental knowledge and reasoning. The metaphysical dimension of Ilm bridges the imaginal bifurcation between temporal and spiritual aspects of being.


    The Amal Dimension

    Trans-formation – Action
    The final stage is the realm of Amal – for an equitable action for (wo)man to act as the rightful viceregent to run the affairs of this world.


    A space for Communal Learning, facilitating Trans4mative Journeying of individuals, Integral Research, and Integral Soulidarity Laboratory



    iSRA works with local communities to regenerate their cultures and traditions from their own ethical context and values.



    We keep our fingers on a society's regenerative transformation epistemologically, creating holistic knowledge as per their contemporary needs.



    iSRA takes pride in setting a precedent for developing an innovative method of societal recalibration. By using the integral research methodology we aim to revive the perennial wisdom which is locked in most indigenous communities and societies.


    Economics & Enterprise

    Finally, to put everything into practical use, our four Es journey points to an innovative yet soul-full model of a Soulidarity Economy that is the need of 21st-century's new economic thinking.

    Integral Soulidarity Research Academy (iSRA), aims to tune-in to the deeper impulses of a universal calling seeking to invoke the ‘spiritus’ of associative economics,  finance, enterprise, and societal regeneration through a 4E's process of Ethics, Epistemology, Erudition, Economics & Enterprise.
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    iSRA - A Star is Born 

     5 Ps Process

    Organisational to Societal Pathways 

    Our particularity lies in a 5 P’s process mapping for an overall societal regeneration. This is set in an organisational/communal context, delving deeper into a society's cultural topography through Philosophy, Principles, Practices, and (integral) Phenomena and People.

    The Genealogy of Soulidarity

    A 4Ts Process of Self-to-Communal Pathways

    The four pathways of the soul to societal transformation is a gradual process leading to societal regeneration in a society’s particular context. Particularly, in the context of the Soulidarity impulse which emanates from the Islamic mystical philosophy and the Prophetic tradition. 

    The Associative Impulse of the Soulidarity Economy

     Our iSRA-Lights

    Have a look at the profiles of our associates
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    Our Research Community


    The Economy of Francesco is a massive project, connecting researchers, entrepreneurs, and social activists across the globe. The project heavily draws on current research within and at the intersection of Economics, the wider Social Sciences, the Humanities, and Environmental Sciences. It draws on the existing work and commitment of researchers junior and senior and aims to inspire and further this research, as a fundament of the project's contributions to the academic and public discourse as well as its proposals for political and societal action.

    This section showcases letters of acknowledgment to support our participation in this historic event that will take place in Assisi in September 2022.

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